Dunsmuir, California

Dunsmuir, California

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I remember how excited I was when I first discovered Dunsmuir, shortly after moving to Mt. Shasta from San Jose back in 1989.  Out of curiosity, when I went exploring one day, I got off at the Dunsmuir exit just to see what this small town was about. 

I was so amazed at how charming it was with the historic downtown and the Sacramento river and railroad running through it and the beautiful forested hills on both sides of town.  It seemed like every chance I got, I kept returning to Dunsmuir until I eventually moved there four months later.

Living in a small town was so different than living in San Jose.  It have to admit that it took a while to get used to feeling so exposed.  I was immediately struck, though, by how friendly everyone was.  People would say, "hello" as I walked by and wave to me as I drove by.  The beauty of the area never ceased to amaze me!  No matter what season of the year it might be, it was beautiful!  There were always so many wonders to behold!    After awhile, I discovered the community of Dunsmuir which opened up whole new worlds for me.  I didn't really understand what community was till I moved to Dunsmuir and experienced it.  I never experienced a feeling of community while living in San Jose.  I never even knew very many of my neighbors in San Jose.

I always felt protected and safe while living in Dunsmuir.  I liked the feeling of being tucked in the canyon.  I also liked the views and close proximity of Mt. Shasta to the north and the beautiful drive south to Redding through the mountains.

Dunsmuir was also an awesome place to raise my two children, Liz and Ben Wu.  They got the chance to experience community.  It is said that it takes a village to raise a child.  The entire village of Dunsmuir helped raise my children and they did it well!  My children have gone on to live very successful and happy lives.  Dunsmuir lives on inside of them will always hold a very special place in their hearts!

My children also got the chance to experience nature and all the sports connected with it through growing up in Dunsmuir.  My children have great respect and appreciation and love for nature.  My son is an avid kayaker thanks to Mr.Wright's instruction and inspiration and a snowboarder and a fisherman.

What more can I say?  Dunsmuir is overall a great place to live.  I hope to go into more detail about this in future blogs as I focus on what I love about Dunsmuir.  I hope that you will join me in offering your comments so that we can celebrate Dunsmuir together!

1 comment:

  1. I'm leaving Louisiana in 2 weeks and moving to Dunsmuir. I'm extremely excited! I thank you for your blog about it, moving anywhere is always a little nerve wracking. I have a 10 year old son, so knowing it's a good place to raise functioning children is a plus lol. I do have a few friends that live there now, they are also "transplants" from everywhere. Maybe we'll cross paths one day! Thanks again!!
